“Some details on the new Simi gallery: this series demonstrates you don't need a whole studio full of expensive lights and photogear to create decent pictures.
If you review the full set of images, you may notice that she's sitting or standing in a simple white closet, purchased at the nearby Ikea store. And if you take a close look in her eyes, you'll see reflections of two simple lighting fixtures, available at any European equivalent of Home Depot.
Just set your ISO to 800, set your White Balance to Flourescent, and start shooting.
Of course you'll still need to find a woman as great looking as Simi to get in your closet and take off her clothes...
I have a few more sets of this model, and a few other models in the same little closet, some of which may appear here in the near future.”
“...your work is such an inspiration....your lighting, your models, your
composition, your art....your genious....I can't say enough in words the
impact you work has...thank you.”
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